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Monday, October 25, 2010

ms-10 mba assignment july dec 2010 Question 2

2) Discuss the importance of quality of work life in the present day work – situation. Comment on the quality of working life at your present workplace or a workplace you are familiar with and discuss how it could be improved. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.

            Organization, in the past, gave more importance on innovative technology for higher productivity surpassing the needs and mental state of its employees. This created a negative impact on the working environment among the employees. Thus it was realised that societal support goes hand in hand with technical innovations. This integration can only be made through quality of work life programmes. Quality of work life refers to all the organizational inputs which aim at the employee’s satisfaction and enhancing organizational effectiveness. Having concern with the life on the job is not new. The increased upheaval of union activities in the 30s and 40s, through collective bargaining and legislations, led to improved working conditions. Even before that, labour was vigorously protesting management attempts to change the work environment. A study by Professor Robert F.Hoxie, Chicago University in 1915, reported how the unions, particularly the machinists, were fighting scientific management techniques. In the late 1950s, the term QWL was used to stress the prevailing poor quality of life at workplace and it was first defined then in terms of people’s reacting to work, particularly an individual’s job satisfaction and mental health. In the new economy, emphasis is placed upon the latest technology, most ground-breaking management practices, and state-of-the-art office buildings. However these are of no worth without the talent, commitment, and contribution of a quality workforce. Every organization must do its best to provide a working environment that is inclusive, enriching and encouraging to all employees. This spirit must be visible in all work processes and benefits.

Meaning and Concept of QWL
            The term ‘quality of work life (QWL) has different meanings of different people. Some consider it industrial democracy or codetermination with increased employee participation in the decision making process. For others, particularly managers and administrators, the term denotes improvement in the psychological aspects of work to improve productivity. Unions and workers interpret it as more equitable sharing of profits, job security and healthy and humane working conditions. Others view it as improving social relationships at workplace through autonomous workgroups. Finally, others take a broader view of changing the entire organizational climate by humanizing work, individualizing organizations and changing the structural and managerial systems. In general terms, QWL, refers to the favorableness or unfavorable-ness of a job environment for people. It refers to the quality of relationship between employees and the total working environment. According to Harrison, QWL is the degree to which work in an organization contributes to material and psychological well-being of its members.

            . The concept of QWL is based on the assumption that a job is more than just a job. It is the center of a person’s life. In recent years there has been increasing concern for QWL due to several factors :

·        Increase in education level and consequently job aspirations of employees;
·        Association of workers.
·        Significance of human resource management;
·        Widespread industrial unrest;
·        Growing of knowledge in human behaviour , etc.

Objectives of QWL:
The main objectives of the QWL programs are to :
·        Improve employee satisfaction;

·        Improve physical and psychological health of employees which creates positive feelings;

·        Enhance productivity of employees;

·        Reinforce workplace learning;

·        Improved management of the on-going change and transition; and

·        Build the image of the company as best in recruitment, retention, and in general motivation of employees.

Characteristics of QWL Improvement Programmes
            The results, reported from a number of quality of work life improvement programmes, have some common characteristics. These are: Persistent commitment from management to the open non-defensive modus operandi of sincerely inviting collaborative inputs from the workforce regarding problem identification and suggestions for improving any aspect of the organization or the policies, practices and structure of work with incentives provided for such participation. Invited involvement of members of tasks groups in recommending resolution of identified problem. Training of supervisors to prepare them to function effectively in a less authoritative style implementation of practicable suggestion and explanations for rejected ideas. Feedback and recognition for good results achieved. Selection of personnel who can be motivated under appropriate conditions to strive for excellence in task performance.􀀀 Evaluation and analysis of results, including failures, leading to renewed effort towards continual improvement in modus operandi.

Eight Practices Of QWL
            Quality of working life though came into circulation in 1970s became popular only in 90s and organizations realised its potential to enhance the productivity in the new century. This works as a comprehensive model to those employers who want to ensure quality in working life of their employees. An ideal quality of work life programme will include practices in eight major areas as discussed below:
Adequate and fair compensation:
            This is fundamental to QWL. Human beings work for livelihood. Therefore success of rest of the initiatives depends upon fulfillment of this. However, important here is that compensation offered must be adequate implying it must be proportionate to labour, and there should be internal consistency among salaries of employees.
Safe and healthy working conditions:
             Unsafe and hazardous working conditions cause problems to both employers and employees. There may be little advantage to the employer in short-term but in medium and long-terms, it adversely affects the productivity. Therefore, adequate investment must be made to ensure safe and healthy working conditions.
Immediate opportunity of use and develop human capacities:
            The jobs have become routine, meaningless and too specialized, depriving the employees of fulfillment satisfaction. Therefore, efforts should be made to increase the autonomy, perspective and exposure to multiple skills.
Future opportunity for continued growth and security:
            This is related to career aspects of employees. Meaningful career paths must be laid down and career mapping of employees is to be followed. The provision of advancement opportunities play a central role in QWL.
Social Integration in the work organization:
            Relationships between and among the employees is an indicator of healthy work organization. Therefore, opportunities must be provided for formal and informal interactions. All kind of classes religions, races, crafts, and designations must be treated equally on a social platform. In other words, it creates egalitarian environment.
Constitutionalism in the work organization:
            This is related to organizational norms that affect the freedom of an individual employee. Efforts must be made to see right norms are formed in the organization. It means norms that accommodate the privacy of an individual employee, freedom of speech, equity and freedom to dissent on some aspects.

Work and the total life space:
            Employees should not be allowed to continuously exert themselves. The continuous hard work causes psychological and physical strains. Therefore, there has to be a balance between personal and professional life. Organization must create proper work offs to enrich the life of employees.

The social relevance of work life:
            Employees must be given the perspective of how his/her work in the organization helps the society. This is essential to build relevance of the employee’s existence to the society he/she lives in.

Techniques of Improving Quality of Work Life
            The concept of quality of work life has been operationalised through various systems such as job enrichment, workers’ participation in management, organization development, quality circles, employee welfare, etc. While some of these schemes have been successful in improving the quality of work life, others are still to show results. The quality of work life movement is of recent origin and has a long way to go. Individuals as well as organized efforts are required to improve the quality of work life for millions of workers in the country.

            In 1981 the National Productivity Council organized a national seminar on quality of work life. The seminar made several suggestions and pointed out the responsibilities of different groups in improving the quality of work life. These responsibilities are summarised below:

1. Responsibilities of Employers:
·        Provision of physical amenities at the work place, health and safety and welfare provisions.
·        Involving workers in decision making on all matters.
·        Initiating suitable forms of work design.
·        Formalisation of QWL experience for future use.
·        A re-examination of policies of work.
·        Developing an appreciation of changing environment.

2. Responsibilities of unions and workers:
·        Educating and making workers aware of QWL.
·        Search areas of collaboration with management.
·        Identifying ways and means to satisfy workers’ needs through non-monetary alternatives.
·        Organising labour in the unorganised sector and specially making them
aware of QWL
·        Encouraging workers to participate in QWL activites.
3. Responsibilities of professional organizations:
·        Organise workshops and seminars to bring about greater awareness of QWL.
·        Initiate specific research projects in this field.
·        Provide professional assistance to organizations to help generate internal competences.
·        Developing state-of-art profiles on QWL.
·        Developing special programmes for various classes of workers.
·        Developing a network for collection, storage and dissemination of information on QWL.

4. Responsibilities of the Government:
·        Legislating standards and norms in newer areas.
·        Change in policy to provide greater autonomy to experiment with QWL.
·        Executive action to ensure implementation of legislated facilities.
·        Encouragement and adoption of appropriate technology.
·        Finding projects on QWL.
·        Suitably modifying the structure and scope of education in the country.

            Some of the techniques used to improve QWL of an average worker in India
are given below:

1. Job Redesign: Narrow jobs need to be combined into large units of accomplishment. Jobs should be redesigned to enrich them, Job enrichment helps to satisfy higher order needs by providing interesting, stimulating and challenging work.

2. Career Development: Opportunity for career advancement and growth personality improve commitment. Career planning, counseling second careers, etc, help to meet expectations of achievement-oriented employees.

3. Autonomous Work Groups: In an autonomous work groups, employees are given the freedom of decision making. In such a group the workers themselves plan, coordinate and control their activities. The group as a whole is accountable for success or failure. It is also called a self-managed work team.

4. Flexible Work Schedules: Flexible working hours (flexitime), staggered hours, reduced work weak, job sharing, part-time employment and other types of alternative work schedules provide freedom to employee in scheduling their work.

5. Participative Management: Employees want to participate in deciding matters which affect their lives. Therefore, quality circles, management by objectives, suggestion system and other forms of employees’ participation in management help to improve QWL.

6. Job Security: Adequate security of job is a high priority of employees and should be provided.

7. Administrative Justice: The principles of justice, fair and quality should be applied in disciplinary procedure, grievance procedures, promotions, transfers, work assignment, leave, etc.

The Role of the Supervisor in QWL
            The Supervisor is one key to the quality-of –work life. A study by University of Michigan which sought to relate a large number of characteristics of workers jobs to overall satisfaction illustrates the wide variety of ways by which supervisory behaviour affects subordinate satisfaction. The eight most closely related factors are listed below:

The Role of the Management in QWL
            Management has to play a very significant role in improving quality of life of employees. Management must strive to make the quality of employees work life as satisfying as possible. At the moment employees are challenged as never before to balance work and personal responsibilities. Therefore the management should continually addresses these challenges by utilizing personnel flexibilities and establishing programs that help employees meet their work and personal obligations. The steps that should be taken by the management are establishing appropriate, reasonable and enforced work rules. Work rules can help to create and maintain an orderly atmosphere that is pleasant to work in where employees can work effectively. Work rules can help improve quality of work life by:

The Effect Of Quality Work Life
            The positive aspects of QWL are:.

·        Improved communication and co-ordination among the workers and organization helps to integrate different jobs resulting in better task performance.

·        Better working condition enhances workers motivation to work in a healthy atmosphere resulting in motivation and increase in production.

·        As QWL includes participation in group discussion and solving the problem, improving the skill, enhancing their capabilities and thus building confidence and increased output.

·        QWL attracts talented employees and make them loyal towards the organization.

·        Making employees feel valued.

·        Increased productivity

·        Reduced absenteeism

·        Earned the reputation of being an employer of choice

·        Retaining valued employees.

·        Help employees to have work-life balance.

A   journey towards excellence established in 1975, NTPC limited a premium public sector enterprise, is India’s largest power generating company. To accelerate power development in the country as a wholly owned company of the government of India.
            Holds 89.5% of the total equity shares of the company and the balance 10.5% is held by f11s, domestic banks, public and others. NTPC’S power utility with an installed capacity of 27,904 MW through its 15 coal based (22,895MW). 7 gases based (3,995 MW) And 4 joint venture project (1,054 MW).  NTPC acquired 50%Equity   of SAIL power supply corporation LTD. NTPC has emerged as an integrated power major with presence distribution & trading and also plans to enter into nuclear power development.
NTPC plans to become a 50,000 MW company by 2012 and 75,000 MW plus company by 2017,the company contributed 28.50% of the total electricity generated in the country during 2006-07 with 20.18% share  of  the  total installed capacity of the nation including capacity and generation of joint venture
            The emergence of professional circles in NTPC is based upon the communication set by their Director (HR),  The relevant portion of the same is reproduced as follows.
            With the advent of liberalization and globalization and the entry of multinationals and independent power producers in the power sector in India, the question of continuous professional updating and professional growth of our executives assumes greater importance then in the past.;  Intoday’s competitive environment, it is essential that our executives keep abreast of latest developments and innovations new technologies etc, in their respective fields.
            While several initiatives designed to achieve this end are being planned on the HR front, there are some steps that can be taken on a voluntary and contributory basis in the same direction for example, it is suggested that the executives posted at the projects / stations of the company may be encouraged to set up “Professional Circles” in their respective fields, so that they can keep themselves updated on latest developments.  Such circles would also provide a forum / common meeting ground for discussing development and current problems/ issues in the relevant disciplines.
            Thus the formation of professional circles is a voluntary and contributory process with the objective of promoting the professional growth of executives and help them keep abreast of the latest developments, innovations, technological advancements, new concepts and techniques, good practices etc.  In their respective fields/ discipline.  The circles would provide a platform for sharing of new development, current issues, concepts  and practices relevant to their aera of work and lead to shaving and dissemination of knowledge, as also learning gained through training programmes (or ) seminary attended by any member of circle.
            Such circles could be set up in different areas such as Technical, Engineering,  Materials and finance, Personnel / HR. The circles could hold meetings at specific frequencies,  say one a week / fortnight or at least a month, in the conference rooms or even club / Recreation centre.  The members could choose topics covering both current professional development and problem / issues of general nature / topical interest, for presentation to their  colleagues during meetings of the circles./  The circles may invite eminent and learned persons for lectures / interaction.  They may also subscribe to professional books / journals/ periodicals, Partly with assistance from the company (say to the tune of Rs. 1,000/- per month) other items required for facilitating the professional circles such as PC,OHP, etc., may also be provided.
1.      Improvement of member’s knowledge base in emerging technologies.
2.      Promote team building.
3.      Improvement of communication and presentation skills.
4.      Better life style management.
5.      Developing expertise.
6.      Solving various problems.
7.      Personality development.
8.      Preparation for meeting the challenges of emerging technologies.

1.      Each professional circle can obtain (or) grant towards purchase of professional journals, magazines, books, software etc. upto Rs. 12,000/- per annum.
2.      The company would also provide for a personal computer with peripherals overhead projector etc. to facilitate presentations  by members.
3.      Internet connectivity where ever feasible.
4.      Use of conference hall/ room to all the active professional circles’ in the Project / Regional HQs on a staggered basis.
1.      Discrimination of ewer, concepts, techniques and practices in different fields of management.
2.      Creation of subject files based on hard copies/ floppies of presentations made by members of various professional circles in NTPC, which could be accessed by other members also.
3.      Organizing the annual  convention of professional circles, as well as the meet’ pf professional circles located at corporate Centre,
4.      Facilitating the propasgation of professional circles company wide.

1.      Activities of the better performing circles may be given prominent publicity n the monthly / quarterly house – journal etc.
2.      Certificates and cash awards for the three best circles adjusted in the project / regional meets as well as in the annual convention.

            At the unit level competitions of professional circles three best circles are chosen.  Cast awards and certificates are issued to them for motivation. Similarly cash awards and certificates are issued to the best 2 circles in the Regional level, Company level of competitions of professional circles.
            In addition some amount of cash is sanctioned for every professional circle during every year for purchasing professional stroke technical magazines are subscribing to professional magazines.  Professional circles are encouraged to use internets.  Moreover the professional circles are encouraged to make presentation in the presence of senior executives/offices.  The circles which make such presentations are appreciated by the general Manager and other senior executives of the concerned unit.
            There are some definite steps taken by the Management to motivate the professional circles.
v     Each professional Circle can obtain a grant towards purchase of professional journals, magazines, books, software etc. upto Rs. 12,000/- per annum.
v     The company would also provide for a personal computer with peripherals, overhear projector etc. to facilitate presentation by members.
v     Use of conference hall/room to all the active ‘Professional Circles” in the Projects / Regional HQ’s on a staggered basis.
v     Internet connectivity, where-ever feasible.
v     Dissemination of newer concepts, techniques and practices in different fields of management.
v     Creation of subject-files based on hard copies/Floppies of presentations made by members of various Professional Circles in NTPC, which could be accessed by other members also.
v     Organizing the annual convention of Professional Circles, as well as the ‘meet’ of Professional Circles located at corporate Centre.
v     Facilitating the propagation of Professional Circles company-wide.
v     Activities of the better performing circles may be given prominent publicity in the monthly / quarterly house-journals, etc.
v     Certificates and cash awards for the three best circles adjudged in the project / regional meets, as well as in the annual conventions.

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