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Monday, October 25, 2010

ms-10 mba assignment july dec 2010 Question 3

3. Explain how organizational analysis helps in the development of an organization. Illustrate an intervention which is used for the development of the organization which you are familiar with. Briefly describe the organization you are referring to.  

            Organizational analysis may be done for different purposes. These include:

1) Enhancing the general understanding of the functioning of organizations (i.e. educational or research purposes.)
            (The direct beneficiary is the researcher or the analyst rather than the organization). Such a study may aim at enhancing the understanding of human behaviour through a study of it in organization, or to enhance the understanding of the society as reflected in organizational life.

2) Planning for growth and diversification
            An analysis or a diagostic study may be necessary for planning growth, diversification, expansion etc. Organizational analysis may reveal the strengths that could be used for growth and diversification, weak spots that need to be removed in the new plans, the precautions to be taken, structural dimensions to be kept in mind etc. Several insights may be provided on structure, people, systems, styles, technology etc. that have implications for growth.

3) Improving Organizational Effectiveness or Planning General Improvements
            Organizational Analysis may be used also for improving the general efficiency of an organization. On the basis of a diagnosis made out of the analysis action steps could be initiated in terms of toning up administration, introducing new management systems and processes, reduction of wasteful expenditure, introduction of time savers, change of personnel policies to enhance employee motivation, restructuring of some parts, training, elimination of unwanted structures and teasers, improvements in general health of the organization etc.

4) Organizational Problem Solving
            Whenever some subsystems departments, units etc. fall sick or start creating problems a diagnosis may be undertaken with a view to identify the source of the problem and take corrective action. A sick unit, a bottleneck, a communication block, a poor performing department, frequently occurring conflict between two departments, repeated failures of a management system or an organizational process, a frequent violation of an organizational norm, fall in discipline, reduction in output absenteeism, increase in conflicts etc. can all lead to the need for an organizational diagnosis of a part of the organisatioin or the entire organization.

            Of the various perspectives presented so far the Professional Management and the OD perspective encompass the Economic, Political and Sociological and Social Psychological perspectives. These are also more modern and are being more frequently used. Among these two of the professional management perspective is vast and covers the entire management field. Since the focus of this course is on Organization Design and Development, the OD or the Applied Behavioural Sciene Perspective is more appropriate for discussion here. Hence in the subsequent part of this unit and subsequent unit more details are presented relating to the organization development. There are many ways of analysing and diagnosing organizations and their phenomena. The following are the most frequently used methods:

1) Questionnaires
2) Interviews
3) Observation
4) Analysis of records, circulars, appraisal reports and other organizational literature
5) Analysis of hard data of organizations and various units
6) Task forces and task groups
7) Problem identification/problem solving workshops
8) Seminars, symposia and training programme
9) Recording and examining critical incidents, events.
            These methods are described in some detail in the subsequent units of this block. The purpose of the analysis is “Organizational Diagnosis”. Diagnosis gives the state of the organization or one or more of its subsystems and points out the scope for improvements that could be made for achieving organizational effectiveness. Hence the methodologies presented in the subsequent sections are limited to this goal.
            There are many dimensions that could be studied through questionnaire. The following is a list of these dimensions more frequently studied for diagnostic purposes.

General Organizational Health
            The general well being of an organization could be measured through Questionnaire. The general organizational health is indicated by a comprehensive index obtained through the measurement of perceptions of employees of the organization. The comprehensive index deals with thehealth of the organization on all possible variables (psychological, sociological, political, behavioural, managerial, organizational etc.) that affect the functioning of the organization. These include the feelings of security, need-fulfilment, job satisfaction, scope for self-actualisation, extent of happiness with the organization, power-distribution, working of groups, objectivity, favouritism, distortion of communications, trust, leadership, team spirit, tension in the organization, conflicts, prejudice, work-organization, effectiveness of meetings, convenience of working hours and work atmosphere etc.

Organizational Culture
            The commonly shared attitudes, values, beliefs, norms and behaviour of employees in the organization constitutes its culture. Organizational climate variables are similar to organizational health variabes. Organizational culture is studied normally in a descriptive way whereas organizational health is studied in an evaluative way. Organizational health variables indicate fuctional and dysfunctional aspects of the organizational proesses.

Motivational Climate
            Organizations could be diagnosed in terms of the prevailing motives that characterise the organization’s function. Does concern for excellence characterise its culture or control? or relationships? or dependence? Or expert power? or helping each other? etc.

Role Oriented Variables
            There are many “Role” related variables that influence the organization’s functioning. These include Role Efficacy, Role Ambiguity, Role Overload, Role Erosion, Inter-role linkages and the like. Some of these variables are explained later with illustrative examples of questionnaire.

HRD Climate
            HRD climate questionnaire deal with the extent to which a development oriented climate or learning climate exists in an organization. Openness, collaboration, trust, proaction, authenticity, confrontation, risk-taking etc. are normally characterised as facilitating development culture. Performance appraisals, training, feedback, counselling, job-rotation, group meetings, career development plans etc. are considered as instruments to facilitate change.

Leadership and Supervisory Styles
            The human resources management philosophy as believed and practiced by the supervisory and managerial staff determines also to a large extent the motivation and morale of people and thereby influences the organizational functioning. The general philosophy, beliefs, and behaviours can be measured through questionnaires. The variables measured may include Theory X Versus Theory Y Orientation; or task-centred and people-centred supervision; or authoritarian versus participative management; or benevolent, critical and development styles, etc.

Job-Satisfaction, Work Motivation and Work Commitment
            With the decline of work ethics in some organizations, many diagnostic efforts are being focused on studies on job-satisfaction, work-motivation, jobinvolvement and the like. The variables measured give insights into the existing patterns as well as sources giving rise to dysfunctional behaviours. Questionnaire to measure elimination, work attitudes also fall in this category.

Specific Variables
            In addition to these general variables the diagnostic questionnaire may focus on specific variables depending on the need of the organization. For example, if communication is perceived as an issue there could be questionnaire to deal with all aspects of it. If team work is perceived as a problem there could be questionnaire developed to deal with. Thus any organizational process or human processes in organizational life can be taken up for diagnosis depending upon the preliminary investigations or need felt by the organization.
Example (Analysis is to be done with regard to Job Satisfaction in Hanil Automotive}
Hanil Automotive India have come a long way from a small and humble beginning in 2003... From 3 machines to 15 machines... from a turnover of 60 lakhs to 460 corers... It has been a journey we are proud of and we dreamed of.
Established in 2002, Hanil Automotive India, have grown facing lots of hurdles on the way to be the leader in Hanil Automotive India interior and exterior industry today. HAI gained wisdom by facing endless challenges that lie ahead of us and knowledge with creativity. HAI are determined to march forward with our consistent efforts by supplying to our customers' delights, harmonizing a balance between man, nature and Technology to the best efficiency.
The questionnaire was prepared to find out the level of Job satisfaction among the employees as it’s a fact Higher Job Satisfaction leads to Increase in the level of productivity . Analysis was done and the following suggestions were provided to the management for consideration , to which the management responded in a positive way and the output was considerably increased within one month
Ø      All level of employees should be clear of the quality policy of the company and should be motivated towards the achievement of goals.
Ø      A full-fledged canteen facility can be provided to the employees.
Ø      Suggestion boxes can be provided to make the employees express their opinion, which encourage participation in management.
Ø      Bonus and other incentives can be periodically reviewed.
Ø      As majority of employees consider that their relaxation time is in sufficient, it would be better if the company extends the relaxation time
Ø      Medical checkups can be provided twice in a year.
Ø      Company should motivate and direct the employees in order to increase their efforts

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